Tuesday, January 03, 2012

"You lost it when you lost him" by Nicole

Am primit un mesaj/cadou de la Nicole. Sunt gandurile ei transpuse plastic intr-un mesaj/semnal. Pentru mine, pentru femei in general. Si pentru ca imi place si pentru ca ii sustin opinia, merita impartasit.

Only girls allowed!

"I read this recently and it played over and over in my head, just as if someone wanted me to understand something from it. And I did. And I got angry. Why is it that we have to lose it when we lose Him? Who says that you can live happily ever after, only if you are romantically in love? It should be enough to be our own person and have our own dreams, hopes, ambitions, likes and dislikes, not necessarily binding our preferences with the ones of the man in our life.

I think I got the sense of what and how I want to be. And that does not involve the romantic interest of a man I am not absolutely infatuated with. But somehow I’m still restless when I look around and feel like a freak if I say what I think about the matter, or when I see I cannot do much for my friends, who are truly unease if they don’t get the attention of a male representative. Girls, I’m not preaching for the whole ‘we are independent, let’s piss all over relationships and guys’ but, why can’t you stand a little straight on your own? You don’t need a man to make you shine or tell you how fabulous you are! At best, only a few in a lifetime will tell you how gorgeous you are and really mean it. The rest will only take advantage of your attention after realizing they can make and break you just as easy.

This year, let’s focus more on the person we want to be, let’s reflect more on ideas and less on the material. Men will notice, believe me! At least, the ones that matter will.

This is the link that inspired this: http://thoughtcatalog.com/2011/dont-wake-up-alone-on-a-saturday-morning/ "

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  1. Nicole get in the kitchen and cook me a meal! Oh and get me a beer while ur there...Stop writing to your friends on your little computer. What do i give you all my money for?!!

    1. Nicole ceased to write friends from her little computer and she moved for few days in a nice story.


Most wanted
