Thursday, October 25, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Invisible man
You are for me more than I can explain in words.
Every time you come in and get out from my life without a word, I feel like I'm living in my favorite book "The Prodigal Son". I don't have time at all to enjoy the happiness you bring me that you have already disappeared.
You empty my soul and every time I promise to myself that it's the last time I accept this situation, but when I see you around I forget about all I have promised to me.
Once I said that you are the coolest guy who came into my life. I also said that I'll be waiting for you to solve your life situations without saying anything and without asking something till a sign will come from you. It hurts me so bad feeling all these things and nothing happens. Maybe nothing ever will happen, maybe you will remain just a beautiful dream.
I think I should convince myself that I don't own supernatural powers and not all my dreams come true. But you know how it is when you have a great dream: it makes you fight harder and go further. And I always forget the disappointment brought by this.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Q & some A
Oare cat scrum poate sa inghita o scrumiera? Si oare cat fum poate curge prin mine? Oare scrumul pe care il las in urma mea va face o carare pana la mine, ca in povestea cu turta dulce? Oare eu voi mai vedea cararea atunci cand va batea vantul peste ea? Oare tu o vei vedea?
Mi-a spus cineva ca nu exista fericire si ca oamenii sunt de fapt niste nefericiti care sa mai imbata din cand in cand cu un strop de fericire. M-a socat aceasta viziune si nu as vrea sa ii fac loc in viata mea. Insa daca asa stau lucrurile?
De ce ni se intampla sa atingem fericirea prin experienta nefericirii? De ce alergam ca disperatii pe o autostrada goala, cu 180 la ora in loc sa mergem pe drumuri cu peiasj, cu 50, bucurandu-ne de calatorie? Pentru ca de multe ori calatorim singuri...
De ce ne imbatam cu apa rece cand nu este cazul si de ce credem ca a doua zi nu ne va durea capul de la betie? Pentru ca nu avem curajul sa ne uitam la noi si la ceilalti cu ochii deschisi...
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Friday, October 19, 2012
Jonathan Livingstone Seaguell - Quotes
"Cu cat zbori mai sus cu atat vezi mai departe."
sa-ti iasa, atita vreme cit pornesti prea brusc. Fletcher, ai pierdut
patruzeci de mile pe ora la pornire. TREBUIE sa pornesti mai lin!
Hotarit, dar lin, nu uita."
zborul perfect este numai un pas in directia exprimarii adevaratei
noastre naturi. Trebuie sa inlaturam tot ce ne poate limita. De aceea
aceste exercitii de zbor rapid sau lent, acrobatia aeriana..."
Intregul vostru trup, de la o aripa la alta", le spunea alta data
Jonathan, " nu este altceva decit gindul vostru, intr-o forma vizibila.
Daca sparge-ti lanturile in care va este ferecat trupul...".
" Sintem liberi sa mergem unde vrem si sa fim ceea ce sintem. "
e drept ca un pescarus sa zboare, ca libertatea este chiar natura
fiintei lor, ca tot ceea ce se opune libertatii - ritual, superstitie
sau orice alt fel de obstacol - trebuie inlaturat."
"Singura lege adevarata este aceea care ne conduce spre libertate."
inteleg cum poti iubi un cird de pasari care tocmai au incercat sa te
ucida. " " Dar, Fletcher, nu asta iubesti la ei! Nu iubesti ura si
rautatea. Trebuie sa te straduiesti sa vezi adevaratul pescarus, partea
buna din fiecare. Trebuie sa-i ajuti si pe ei s-o vada in ei insisi.
Asta inteleg eu prin dragoste. E grozav cind intelegi asta."
"Sarmane Fletch, sa nu crezi ce-ti spun ochii. Ei oglindesc numai piedicile. Priveste cugindul, descopera ceea ce stii deja si vei vedea cum trebuie sa zbori."
Paradisul nu este un loc sau un timp. A fi desavirsit - iata paradisul.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Nu stiu sa fiu iubita
- Nu stiu sa fiu iubita!
- Cum adica?
- Mi-e greu sa ma "las" luata de iubire, m-am lasat in suferinta de fiecare data, doar asta am primit. Acum cand sunt iubita ma gandesc ca trebuie sa fie ceva gresit la mijloc, ca nu este posibil ca lucrurile sa fie atat de simple.
- Dar V., el te-a iubit, nu?
- Eu l-am iubit prima pe V. El m-a iubit pe parcurs.
- De ce ti-e teama?
- Nu mi-e teama, insa este un taram atat de necunoscut incat nu stiu cum sa pasesc pe el.
- Stiu, nici eu nu stiu sa fiu iubita. Raspund urat iubirii si bine dezamagirii. Pentru mine nu este un taram necunoscut insa trebuie sa fie un taram minat ca sa imi para interesant.
- ...
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Ea si un anume el
Oglinda de la baie ii lumineaza si mai bine buzele gloss-ate. Isi aranjaza putin buclele blonde si rochita de culoarea piersicii. Isi pune plicul la sub-brat si se intoarce la masa. Cu acelasi zambet perfect, cu aceeasi ochi stralucitori, cu aceasi prestanta. Ea este stralucitoare pentru ca asa trebuie sa fie langa el. Insa ceea ce ascunde in sufletul ei este stiut sau vazut de putini oameni. Se asaza la masa.
El sta alaturi de ceilalti barbati in picioare, langa masa lor. Au fiecare dintre ei un pahar de wisky cu gheta. Al ei este cel mai inalt si are costumul cel mai frumos. Discuta despre ultimele proprietati achizitionate si despre majorari de capital. Trag insetati din tigara si fac glume "de barbati".
Ea sta cumintica si il asteapta. Toata viata ei de pana acum a facut la fel. Nu a vorbit prea mult si nu a avut multe pretentii pentru ca a primit mereu ceea ce isi doreste: lux.
Si-a sacrificat zambetul si sufletul pentru patul moale si pernele de puf. Asa o va face si de acum inainte, se va darui pe ea pentru ca ceea ce e important pentru ea nu solicita decat un zambet fals.
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6
Friday, October 12, 2012
Perfectiunea este plictisitoare
Aragazul are stropi de la ultimii cartofi prajiti. Pe masa sunt firicele mici de tutn iar langa piciorul mesei a cazut un scrum. Cartile stau la un loc cu revistele, amestecate. Peste ele este laptopul cu toate friele curgand din el. Sub canapea sunt bucatele de laveta asasinata de Moody (cred ca s-a amuzat tare pentru ca a maruntit-o cat s-a putut de mult). In balcon zace bicicleta, pe saua ei sunt doi bascheti pusi la uscat. Pe hol este un pantof de lac ros. Acum este jucaria lui. Pe frigider sunt mesaje si poze cu noi, lipite cu magneti colorati. Masa din sufragerie are inca un blat de lemn nelacuit, mazgalit de incercari de creion si plin de faramite de la guma de sters. In dulap hainele sunt amestecate, parca cele de vara nu vor sa se duca la locul lor.
In fiecare zi plec impecabila din casa. Am pus rimel exact cat trebuie, pantofii sunt asortati cu cel putin esarfa sau un mic accesoriu, geaca, geanta, cerceii, unghiile ... In sufletul meu e ordine, in mintea mea deasemenea. Si cu toate astea, nu este mai interesant cand Moody se bucura de un pantof si o laveta, cand nu trebuie sa ma ridic din pat daca nu am chef, cand rufele pot astepta iar cartile pot sta la un loc cu revistele?!
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Thursday, October 11, 2012
Pentru ca
Draga mea Eli,
Cand erai mica erai enervanta. In clasa a 4-a ti-am spus ca imi place un baiat iar in urmatoarele 5 minute stiau: mami, tati si vreo doi vecini. De fapt tu aveai doar 4 ani, insa pentru mine era important sa iti impartasesc secretul cel mare. Apoi cand te-ai facut putin mai mare ma enervai cand ma urmareai peste tot si nu puteam vorbi cu prietenele mele despre .... nici nu stiu ce vorbeam noi pe la 13 ani insa na, tu aveai doar 5, ce puteai intelege?!
Am pierdut filmul de mult si m-am trezit ca ai 20. Astazi. Esti deja un om mare insa cu suflet de copil. Cu inocenta, ingeniozitate si curiozitate.
Iubesc momentul de dimineata cand mancam micul dejun si ne bem cafeaua cu lapte in bucataria noastra inundata de soare, cu Moody care doarme linistit sub masa (abia astept, maine dimineata!). :)
Pentru ca de ziua cuiva se fac urari, pentru ca nu imi plac urarile clasice insa pentru ca tu nu esti oricine ci esti cineva anume pentru mine, nu vreau sa iti urez decat un singur lucru: La multi ani de copilarie!
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
John Gray's Mars and Venus on a Date
John Gray describes very beautifully the 5 steps and path of success for a wonderful relationship. I think these are the steps we should always make them. If we skip one of them relationship will work, but the connection will not be the best possible.
* Physical * Emotional * Mental * Spiritual
At this stage couples share their positive side with each other, yet maintain their authenticity. They continue to look around, date many people, and gain experience with others. To sustain the attraction with one person, they ask themselves, is it possible to get what we need from this person on these attraction levels?
This is a stage where couples are not sure if the person they are with is the "one" for them. Often couples bail out to soon. Men tend to back off from contacting the woman. Uncertainty is normal at this stage and does not mean they are not "right" for each other.
Before he can decided if he wants to be exclusive. He should ask himself three questions: Could I possible be the "right man for her? Could I possible have what it takes to make her happy? Do I care for her and do I miss her when I am away from her?
During this stage while a woman waits she asks: Where is the relationship going? Did I do something wrong since he is not calling? Is there some one else? Will he call? When will he call? What can I do to gain his attention? This is the time to stay open, and active in her own life. Not a time to give more of herself in hope that he will give back. Using this time a woman reflects on what she is getting from the man, and does she want to continue to the next stage with him.
If the answers to these questions are affirmative then they are ready to move into the next stage where the couple temporarily stop dating others, and start focusing attention on each other. This is the time to experiment with this one person and to give this relationship a chance and dig for the gold.
For a man it is the time to do little things for the woman to test if he has the power to make her happy. Men bond with women through being successful in providing for her happiness, comfort and fulfillment. This is the stage where a man pursues the woman and decides if he wants to bond with her. After they have bonded and have moved to the Exclusive stage, then the woman can begin to share some of the expenses and doing little things for him. Still, on a romantic date he should always be the provider.
When they feel their dating partner has the potential to be a mate they are then ready to move onto stage three.
John Gray says that about the third date men usually decide he wants to be exclusive. As in baseball, it is generally three strikes and he either gets on base or he's out. At this stage the focus is on having a primary romantic relationship and avoid any other relationships on the side. They build a foundation that allows them to open their hearts, give freely, fully, and truly love each other. It is also the stage to address the four levels of intimacy they want to go. They are as follows:
* Kissing and affection
* Heavy petting
* Exploration
* Full stimulation without intercourse
* Intercourse
The temptation at this point is for men to stop talking now that he has her. It is not a time to back off but to continue to give to her. This is the stage where he establishes an emotional desire to please her. This develops into a genuine interest in who she is. Which has a chance to turn into love. For women to assume that he knows what she wants and she doesn't need to ask, she does and this is a time for her to focus on what she is receiving.
When we feel a connection with our partner on all four levels: physical-emotional-mental-spiritual then we are ready for intimacy. When we are turned onto our partner on all four levels we are ready for stage four.
Physical: creates desire and arousal
Emotional: creates affection, caring and trust
Mental: creates interest and receptivity
Spiritual: opens our hearts creating love, appreciation and respect.
The more intimacy a man feels for a woman the more he needs to periodically pull away and be alone. This in and out urge is in all men and connected to high levels of testosterone. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. It is important that the woman doesn't chase after him but allows him space. Although the man is the primary giver on occasion they switch roles and the woman gives.
Moving through the first four stages we gain information that lets us know if we want to spend the rest of our life with this one person. The proposal is the most cherished memory of a life time and the most important gift a man can give a woman, and paves the way for a great marriage, A time to celebrate their love for each other. By maintaining the approach of apologies and forgiveness builds further trust.
* Physical * Emotional * Mental * Spiritual
At this stage couples share their positive side with each other, yet maintain their authenticity. They continue to look around, date many people, and gain experience with others. To sustain the attraction with one person, they ask themselves, is it possible to get what we need from this person on these attraction levels?
This is a stage where couples are not sure if the person they are with is the "one" for them. Often couples bail out to soon. Men tend to back off from contacting the woman. Uncertainty is normal at this stage and does not mean they are not "right" for each other.
Before he can decided if he wants to be exclusive. He should ask himself three questions: Could I possible be the "right man for her? Could I possible have what it takes to make her happy? Do I care for her and do I miss her when I am away from her?
During this stage while a woman waits she asks: Where is the relationship going? Did I do something wrong since he is not calling? Is there some one else? Will he call? When will he call? What can I do to gain his attention? This is the time to stay open, and active in her own life. Not a time to give more of herself in hope that he will give back. Using this time a woman reflects on what she is getting from the man, and does she want to continue to the next stage with him.
If the answers to these questions are affirmative then they are ready to move into the next stage where the couple temporarily stop dating others, and start focusing attention on each other. This is the time to experiment with this one person and to give this relationship a chance and dig for the gold.
For a man it is the time to do little things for the woman to test if he has the power to make her happy. Men bond with women through being successful in providing for her happiness, comfort and fulfillment. This is the stage where a man pursues the woman and decides if he wants to bond with her. After they have bonded and have moved to the Exclusive stage, then the woman can begin to share some of the expenses and doing little things for him. Still, on a romantic date he should always be the provider.
When they feel their dating partner has the potential to be a mate they are then ready to move onto stage three.
John Gray says that about the third date men usually decide he wants to be exclusive. As in baseball, it is generally three strikes and he either gets on base or he's out. At this stage the focus is on having a primary romantic relationship and avoid any other relationships on the side. They build a foundation that allows them to open their hearts, give freely, fully, and truly love each other. It is also the stage to address the four levels of intimacy they want to go. They are as follows:
* Kissing and affection
* Heavy petting
* Exploration
* Full stimulation without intercourse
* Intercourse
The temptation at this point is for men to stop talking now that he has her. It is not a time to back off but to continue to give to her. This is the stage where he establishes an emotional desire to please her. This develops into a genuine interest in who she is. Which has a chance to turn into love. For women to assume that he knows what she wants and she doesn't need to ask, she does and this is a time for her to focus on what she is receiving.
When we feel a connection with our partner on all four levels: physical-emotional-mental-spiritual then we are ready for intimacy. When we are turned onto our partner on all four levels we are ready for stage four.
Physical: creates desire and arousal
Emotional: creates affection, caring and trust
Mental: creates interest and receptivity
Spiritual: opens our hearts creating love, appreciation and respect.
The more intimacy a man feels for a woman the more he needs to periodically pull away and be alone. This in and out urge is in all men and connected to high levels of testosterone. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. It is important that the woman doesn't chase after him but allows him space. Although the man is the primary giver on occasion they switch roles and the woman gives.
Moving through the first four stages we gain information that lets us know if we want to spend the rest of our life with this one person. The proposal is the most cherished memory of a life time and the most important gift a man can give a woman, and paves the way for a great marriage, A time to celebrate their love for each other. By maintaining the approach of apologies and forgiveness builds further trust.
an article from: http://learning-curve.blogspot.com/2005/07/john-grays-mars-and-venus-on-date.html
Sunday, October 07, 2012
Coffee time

A pasit catre bucatrie, locul in care isi incepe ziua. A scos doua cani de sticla in care a turnat cafeau aburinda. Apoi laptele, lapte care decoloreaza instant cafeua precum o pensula cu vopsea aruncata intr-un borcan cu apa curata. Si-a rulat o tigara si s-a pregatit de intalnirea care i-a dat atatea emotii.
La aceeasi masa, cu aceleasi cafele in fata stateau ea si Sufletul ei. Ea nu a stiut cum sa inceapa conversatia pentru ca ea nu se pricepe sa vorbeasca. Au vorbit banalitati, despre vreme, despre vecini, lucruri pe care le vorbesti cu orice necunoscut pentru a intretine o intalnire conventionala.
Sufletul ei a fost primul care a avut curaj: "Cat timp ai de gand sa ma mai faci franjuri, sa ma mai dai prin masina de tocat de parca as fi o halca de carne? Cate sageti trebuie sa iti mai trimit si cati curieri astfel incat sa iti transmit ca am nevoie de tine, ca vreau sa ma ingrijesti in loc sa ma chinui?!".
Fata cu parul cret a amutit. Nu a stiut ce sa ii raspunda pentru ca nu a stiut pana atunci cata nevoie are de ea Sufletul ei.
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Masina de spalat
S-a pregatit sa plece de acasa. Si-a pus hainele pe ea, pentru o noua zi de birou. Pantofiorii colorati o astepta la usa, doar sa sara in ei. Si masina de spalat o astepta, de fapt ea astepta sa se termine programul. Si mai trebaluieste putin, mai da doua telefoane doar doar masina isi incheie treaba. 1 ora, 2, 3, butonul nu se deplaseaza, parca timpul a stat in loc. Se uita cu uimire la hublou, hubloul se uita la ea. Arunca hainele in stanga si in dreapta. Asa isi arunca si ea visele, si le amesteca si le curata de toate petele. Masina nu se mai opreste. S-o fi stricat? Niciodata nu a spalat cu atata indarjire. Se hotaraste sa faca ceea ce trebuie si apasa butonul de "stop". Deschide cu forta hubloul, acum ea controleaza visele. Masina spala in gol, hainele erau deja uscate de mult timp. Visele erau curate insa aveau nevoie de un buton de "stop".
S-a hotarat sa ramana acasa, sa arunce hainele de birou. Sa isi paraseasca pantofiorii colorati la usa si sa isi intinda pe uscator cele mai curate vise.
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6
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