Tuesday, April 09, 2013

How to survive a night out

Bucharest is becoming more and more known as a cheap and snazzy party destination. Every weekend it attracts tourists all over Europe, that have access to a low cost flight route and are on the look for some good old fun. Considerably, the town is flooded two days a week by both tourists and locals that want to get down (wink - wink). The atmosphere is vibrant as tens of hundreds walk the streets from club to bar to pub in order to find the right crowd for the given mood.

However, this many people attracts a whole lot of other types of crowds, so I figured a list of do's and don't to help navigate the weekends could be useful. So here comes the wisdom accumulated through hard, long nights and bad decisions:

  • drink at home! especially if you want to have money left for rent
  • do not wear high heals! unless you are really desperate ;) old town has pedestrian cobbled streets 
  • always accept a free shot! it's quick (so you don't have to go through a lengthy annoying conversation with the one supplying it), and it's cheap enough (so it won't hurt anyone's feelings or wallet)
  • do not accept any drinks from non-Romanians! even if they are cuter, funnier, and generally more interesting than our dudes, us girls must stay together and help raise the bar for our own, otherwise they will never learn
  • dance with whomever you please, but whatever you do, please restrict yourself from doing the sleazy knee-bending grinding thing! and no quantities of alcohol will ever excuse girl on girl dancing! better yet, find a pole and grind with that, it is that much more appealing and looks way less desperate!!
  • do not trash talk in the bathroom! you are drunk and you think that is the place to vent, but believe me, those walls are not sound proof! and also, always have some kind of paper toilet on you, most clubs in Bucharest don't consider the 7 euro/ drink profitable enough as to throw in some toilet paper
  • eat before you get home! even if it's a cheap hot dog, it will at least save you the sad discovery that your fridge is yet again 'out-of-order' 
  • do not start talking with people in line to get food at 5 in the morning, they are as drunk and as horny as you are! most fights I've seen, started in this situation
  • always be nice to the honest cab drivers taking you home, you never know when you'll need them to give you a hand (or a napkin)

Next time, let's get drunk and freaky, together! :)

Monday, April 08, 2013


Daca nu am chef sa vorbesc cu tine nu inseamna ca sunt o ciudata!
Daca nu sunt conforma cu ce e conform nu inseamna ca sunt o ciudata!
Daca am curaj mai mult decat tine nu inseamna ca sunt ciudata!
Daca gandesc lucrurile in felul meu nu inseamna ca sunt ciudata!
Daca fac niste corelatii la care tu nu te-ai fi gandit nu inseamna ca sunt ciudata!
Daca nu imi place sa fac de mancare nu inseamna ca sunt ciudata!
Daca iau niste dezicii pe care tu nu le-ai lua nu inseamna ca sunt ciudata!
Daca aleg cand sa vorbesc si cand sa nu vorbesc despre mine nu inseamna ca sunt ciudata!
Daca ma intristez in fata lucrurilor aparent neinsemnate tie nu inseamna ca sunt ciudata!
Daca ma supara nimicuri nu inseamna ca sunt ciudata!
Daca fac lucruri care par nebunesti pentru tine nu inseamna ca sunt ciudata!
Daca visez la cai verzi pe pereti nu inseamna ca sunt ciudata!

Daca sunt asa cum am descris mai sus nu inseamna ca sunt ciudata ci ca sunt aparte de marea majoritate!

Monday, April 01, 2013

Iar zodii

Am share on Facebook un articol numit "10 mituri despre introveriti". Continutul de altfel foarte interesant, de la clarificarea faptului ca introvertitii nu sunt niste ciudati pana la faptul ca nu sunt tocilari sau oameni carora nu le place sa vorbeasca. Il puteti gasi aici: 10 Mituri despre introvertiti.

In acelasi timp, poate am devenit putin exagerata insa sunt destul de atenta la zodiile oamenilor din jurul meu. Acum nu vreau sa fiu inteleasa gresit ca ma ghidez in a-i clasifica pe acestia doar dupa acest aspect pentru ca tot timpul iau in seama background, comportament, anturaj, dezvoltare, etc, etc. Insa interesant este ca, oamenii din aceasi zodie au comportamente comune (repet, insa nu exhaustive pentru o anumita zodie) :)

Ca sa revin la partea cu share on Facebook... Eu sunt sagetator. Am considerat interesant acest articol pentru ca asa sunt si eu: introvertita. Si simt ca oamenii ma inteleg gresit de multe ori pentru faptul ca vreau sa stau mai retrasa sau pentru faptul ca de multe ori nu comunic anumite lucruri personale desi comunic orice altceva cu cei din jur. Anyway, legat de introvertit / extrovertit am o sumedenie de pareri insa le voi dedica lor o postare speciala. 

Insa, ce m-a facut sa zambesc este faptul ca 2 persoane care au apreciat poastarea mea de pe Facebook sunt sagetatori....si cu mine 3 :)

Most wanted
